
This blog is a way for us to:

  • To chronicle — and help us process and think deeper and with more mindfulness about — our homeschooling journey.

  • Provide the state of Ohio with a formal portfolio of the children’s learning

  • Keep family and friends updated on all the fun things we’re up to

  • Provide some food for thought for anyone considering homeschooling or unschooling.

What’s with the name “Kairos”?

“Kairos” is an ancient Greek word that means “a time when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action”. Kairos is a season, the moment of ripeness.

Chronos time, on the other hand, is blocks on the calendar and ticking clocks.

Chronos measures minutes. Kairos is made of unmeasured moments.

Chronos is “setting time aside for something”. You’ll practice piano for fifteen minutes. You’ll work on math from 2 to 4. We are always wrestling with chronos —- begging it for more time, or for time to go faster or slower or trying to figure out how to master it.

Kairos, on the other hand, is the state of flow that’s in the moment. It lifts you out of the ordinary business of life. Kairos encourages us to “slow down, see clearly, and respond wisely. The pace, pressure, and demands of chronos can cause you to miss the kairos.” - Tim Kight

The world runs on Chronos as much as America runs on Dunkin’, but I believe the truest moments in a person’s education is born in Kairos.
